Kelsey and Ryan got to get away from the city on the Northshore for their engagement session. I ask couples when it comes time for their session is, "how do you want to intentionally spend this time together?" These high school sweet hearts jumped at the chance for a little road trip up the North Shore. We spent time on the North Shore at Gooseberry State Park.
With not being from the area, Kelsey and Ryan put complete trust into having me as their tour guide when it came to choosing a location. We started with a hike up the Gooseberry River to get away from the hustle and bustle of the more noisy and crowed parts of the park. We talked a lot about their wedding plans, how things are in life, and these two spent a lot of time just talking with one another.
During engagement sessions I like to give you a lot of space. I stepped back and gave Kelsey and Ryan a lot of room to chat, talk together and enjoy parts of the park on their own time. They chose to spend a lot of time exploring parts of the park that they hadn't seen before in Gooseberry State Park.
As we made our way back to the visitor center, Kelsey and Ryan chose to jump into my car so we could go further into the park and get close to the lake. The cool and calm tones of the lake fit as the perfect backdrop for the final part of their engagement session.